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'Huth' Fastener Stiffness

This page calculates the fastener Huth stiffness.

Input Data

Single or double shear?cis =
Joint Type :ass =
Fastener diameter : dia = in  
Thickness of sheet 1 : t1 = in  
Thickness of sheet 2 : t2 = in  
Young's modulus of sheet 1 :E1 = psi  
Young's modulus of sheet 2 :E2 = psi  
Young's modulus of fastener :Ef = psi  


Press Calculate to run the numbers ...


     kHUTH = 1/C =

NB This calculator uses equation 31 of reference 1 (reproduced below) which differs slightly from equation 1 of reference 2. The latter is thought to be an erroneous translation. Several discussions on the error in reference 2 are available on the website, refs 3, 4 and 5.


  1. Huth H, "Zum Einfluβ der Nietnachgiebigkeit mehrreihiger Nietverbindungen auf die Lastübertragungs und Lebensddauervorhersage" Bericht Nr. FB-172 (1984).
  2. Huth H, "Influence on Fastener Flexibility on the Prediction of Load Transfer and Fatigue Life for Multiple-Row Joints" ASTM STP 927 (1986).
  3. Eng-Tips : Huth Formula for Fastener Flexibility
  4. Eng-Tips : Huth Fastener Flexibility
  5. Eng-Tips : Huth Formula for Fastener Flexibility